If you are looking for advice on How To Plan Surprise Proposal Ideas, you have come to the right place. Over 8 years, we have had hundreds of clients come to us because they wanted to make absolutely sure that the proposal was an absolute surprise, something she never saw coming. Here are our top tips on how to plan a surprise proposal for your partner:
Create the Idea
When planning a surprise proposal, you may be asking, “what are good proposal ideas for this occasion?” At this stage, don’t focus too much on making it a surprise as that comes in the next steps. Just think of the perfect, meaningful proposal idea. Hire The Heart Bandits if you need help with that. Here are some surprise proposal ideas to help you get started thinking:
Bait and Switch Proposal
This is where you tell your partner you are going to do one thing and it ends up being something else. Take Rajesh for example. He told Shayoni that they were going to a restaurant and when they arrived, they were escorted to their own private room where we had his proposal set up. Read this Seattle surprise proposal here.
Out of Nowhere Proposal
This is where you are just out and about with your partner and BOOM, a proposal happens when they were least expecting it. Take our client Alison for example. She took Heather out to a restaurant that we had filled with actors and dancers. After she ordered her brunch, a Broadway Musical Flash Mob marriage proposal erupted.
Use Believable Excuse
This is the step where the surprise proposal planning comes in. Take the idea from step number 1 above, and figure out how you can work that idea into an everyday, believable excuse. For example, say you want to propose by renting out a private room in a restaurant and decorating it with Marry Me marquee lights, candles, rose petals, and framed photos. If going out to dinner is something you normally do, you probably won’t have an issue getting her to believe this is just another night. But if you don’t go often, would she believe you are meeting a friend, have a work event, or something else?
Choose Your Vendors
After you have come up with the proposal idea, you are going to want to choose the right proposal vendors. You might need a venue, a florist, or a musician. You should also consider hiring a professional Proposal Planner if you want to outsource the stressful planning to someone else.
Consider A Photographer
You may be wondering if you should have a photographer on-site to capture your marriage proposal if you want to keep it a surprise. We say YES!! An experienced proposal photographer will be able to remain discreet. However, even if they are seen, your partner will likely already know what is going by the time she gets to the photographer.
Choose The Right Date
When deciding how to plan a surprise marriage proposal, you are going to want to choose the right proposal date. You should avoid proposing on a holiday or another day she may be expecting a proposal like your anniversary or birthday.
Don’t Tell Anyone
Once you have your perfect surprise proposal idea and plan in place, do not tell anyone. If you truly want it to be a surprise, there is no point in risking someone blowing your cover. Keep the plan under wraps and you will guarantee no one spills the beans.
Don’t Leave A Trail
Following up with the last tip, if you want to guarantee your partner doesn’t find out about your proposal plans, don’t leave a trail. Use a fake email address and make calls from work. Take every precaution possible so they don’t find out. If you do hire a Proposal Planner, you can even put a fake name in your phone so that you can freely communicate (we do this a lot, can you tell?)
Don’t Overthink Things
A lot of client really get stressed out trying to make sure the proposal comes completely out of left field. But the reality is that anticipation is actually a good thing. There is this small period of time, right before the proposal where she gets butterflies and things, “Is this it?” And you WANT to give her that feeling, trust us. If the proposal truly does just happen out of nowhere, sometimes it can happen to fast to even enjoy it.
Follow these tips on How To Plan Surprise Proposal Ideas and your proposal will be a success. If you need help with your super secret surprise proposal planning, contact The Heart Bandits today. We have been exclusively planning proposals for over 8 years and we know how to pull off the ultimate surprise proposal. Here are some reasons you might want to hire a Proposal Planner:
- You want to minimize how many vendors you are emailing calling to keep it a surprise
- You need someone on your team to plan everything and keep things under wraps
- You need help creating a proposal idea that is unique and truly represents your relationship
- You don’t have the time or the resources to plan the proposal idea you love
- You are feeling extremely stressed out about making this perfect and would like to enlist the help of a professional to help ease that stress
- You want the proposal planning and the day of to run smoothly
- You don’t know how to find the vendors you need for the proposal
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Another thing that could blow the surprise is if your partner sees a huge bulky ring box in your pocket. Keep your proposal a secret with our flat ring box at www.ringstash.com.