How to Create A Surprise Proposal - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

How to Create A Surprise Proposal

You’ve been together for years, you’ve grown closer than ever, and the time to propose is near- the problem is, she knows that as well as you do! What can you do to create a surprise marriage proposal when she’s already sure that the proposal is on the way?

Photo: By Petronella Photography
Photo: By Petronella Photography

Throw Her Off

If she’s sure that you’re going to propose because you seem to have been planning something, throw in a red herring- whisk her off on an epic date, or plan an amazing party for her and all of your friends. If you play your cards right, she’ll think she was wrong and that your preparations were just for this event. This should buy you a little breathing room to plan a truly surprising proposal.

Create the Unexpected

Yes, she’s expecting a proposal, but she doesn’t know where or when to expect it. You can play to this by creating a proposal that comes out of left field- would she be expecting a lavish proposal on a trip to the supermarket? What about a surprise proposal in your own apartment, transformed for the evening into a romantic bower filled with roses and champagne? The further you go from the beaten path, the less she’ll see your proposal coming.

Exceed Her Expectations

Maybe she’s already expecting a proposal, and you don’t think you can carry off a totally unanticipated proposal, but you can still surprise her by making your proposal an epic one! By going all-out to create a proposal experience beyond her wildest dreams, you’ll still shock and delight her, even if she knew what was coming.

Read more tips here how to plan a surprise marriage proposal.

Hire the Marriage Proposal Planners at The Heart Bandits to help you create a cunningly disguised or jaw-droppingly amazing proposal, tailored to your sweetheart’s hopes and dreams. Contact us to start planning your proposal today!

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