How to Ask for Her Father’s Blessing Before Proposing - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

How to Ask for Her Father’s Blessing Before Proposing

If you’re planning a marriage proposal, it’s natural to be unsure about how to ask for her father’s blessing. While this tradition can be nerve-wracking, it doesn’t have to be.

Proposals are getting more creative, and the same goes for asking her dad for his blessing. There are ways to take the pressure off and make the conversation casual for both of you. After all, it’s a big moment for her father, too. Follow these tips to make the conversation as stress-free as possible!

Consider Your Relationship

For some couples, the tradition of asking for her father’s “permission” is made to be broken. A lot of modern brides are adamant about being the first to know about your engagement. For others, the thought of having to ask permission to make the biggest–and best–choice of your life seems outdated. She may feel like her blessing is the only one that matters.

The next time the two of you start daydreaming about your future, casually ask if she envisions you asking for her father’s blessing. Not only will she be happy to hear you’re considering her family’s opinion, but it gives her a chance to examine the tradition and see if it matters to her.

Make It a Family Affair

If you’re nervous to sit down with her father and profess your feelings, save yourself the intimidation of a one-on-one meeting by making it a family affair!

Include her mother (who will be ecstatic to hear she’ll have a wedding to plan) and other important family members, including siblings or grandparents. Depending on how close she is with her family, it will be especially romantic for her to find out they’re all backing your relationship.

If her father has passed away, including a variety of family members can be especially sentimental and help you both realize how many people are in your corner–instead of focusing on the one who’s missing.

Pick His Favorite Hangout

It can sometimes feel overly formal and awkward to pop the question on her father’s overstuffed armchair. Want to ensure the meeting is relaxing for the both of you? Ask him to meet you at his favorite restaurant, bar or golf course!

If the two of you are enjoying an activity you’re used to doing together, it will be more casual when you bring up the ever-so-serious idea of proposing to his daughter. Make sure you consider his personality, too. If he’s easygoing, casually mention that you have a ring for his daughter and you’d love his support. If he’s more traditional and rough around the edges, it’s probably best to pose it as a question.

Ask for His Advice

No marriage proposal is complete without family and friends sharing their advice, hopes, and wishes for your future! Beat your family to the chase by asking her father for advice while you’re asking for his blessing. If you ask him the secret to a happy marriage or what he wishes he would have known before proposing, you’ll show him you respect his opinion and care about what he thinks–and he might share some romantic tips to include in your proposal!  

Whether you’ve asked for her father’s blessing, or are choosing to propose without it, let The Heart Bandits help you come up with the best proposal idea to make the day as special and unique as you both imagined. Contact us today!

Don’t forget to consider how you will hide your bulky engagement ring on the day of your proposal. Check out this slim engagement ring box and get yours today.

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