In modern times, many traditions that were seen in the movies or shows from back in the day seem to have disappeared. But in the world of marriage proposals, there are still some traditions that will always last. Some of those common traditions include the guy asking the girl with a diamond ring, getting down on bended knee, and asking her parents for their blessing. Today, The Heart Bandits would like to explain why we definitely suggest doing the latter before you pop the question to her.
It’s their blessing, not permission
When you ask for her parents blessing, remember it’s their blessing not their permission you’re asking for. You are a grown person that has reached this stage of your relationship with your girlfriend and are willfully trying to move forward on the right foot with her parents. You want them to know you have the best intentions for their daughter and that you are a person of integrity.
You will be part of her family
Entering into marriage means that her parents will be…. ready for it?…. your in-laws! So that means that they will be part of your family. If you are ready to take this step, why not take it by starting off on the right foot? Asking for their blessing shows that you respect them and that you are taking the time to show them you will treat their daughter as best you can.
They will be on your side if you do
When you ask them, they will most likely be overjoyed that you did and it could actually make your marriage proposal easier. You would be able to ask their advice on the ring selection and your proposal plan. They can even help you by being involved in the actual proposal (as mentioned last week, a great way to have a surprise proposal).
You will make your girlfriend (and future wife) happy
Her parents will be in your wedding. It’s a shocker I know. By asking for the blessing of the people that will give her away, she will be in a more comfortable position on your wedding day and for the rest of your marriage because a bond has been created between you and her parents. If she’s estranged from her parents, then your situation may be different but for the most part, asking for her parents blessing is a good deal.
Asking for her parents blessing can be nerve-wracking. I know that I was a little nervous before I asked my wife’s family for their blessing before I proposed. At times like these The Heart Bandits Wedding Proposal Planners are here to give advice and suggestions. We are marriage proposal experts and can help you throughout the whole proposal process from asking her parents, to selecting an engagement ring, to the marriage proposal plan. Contact us TODAY to get started on your perfect engagement story that will last a lifetime.
Our clients are always asking us how to hide their bulky engagement ring box on the day they propose. The answer is, buy a thin engagement ring box!! Ring Stash, offers a .5 inch thick ring box that will help you keep your proposal a secret until you are ready to reveal it.