Best Hawaii Proposal Ever - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

Best Hawaii Proposal Ever

Blue sky

WOW!  I know that is what you are thinking.  That is what I thought when Ken first told me where he wanted to propose.  While most people want to propose on the beach in Hawaii, Ken wanted something a bit more luxurious.  He opted for an overlook with views of the city and the ocean which is now my favorite proposal location in all of Hawaii.  Ken hired us because he wanted to give his girlfriend the best engagement proposal.  You can see from the photos that we definitely achieved this.

Ken brought her up to the lookout where she was completely blown away by a gorgeous gazebo draped in fabric waiting for her.  We placed gorgeous white rose pomanders on candelabras to add luxury to the gazebo.   A calligraphy sign created from Ken’s words was displayed which described just how he feels about her.  And to really enhance the ambiance, we added violinist to play romantic music.

proposal decorate

White Rose


He walked his girlfriend over to the setup and showed her a video he made.  Then he did what she had been waiting for for so long.  He proposed.  She eagerly said yes and then Ken handed her an elegant bouquet of white roses.




If you want to start planning your luxurious proposal, contact The Heart Bandits today.  While we work on all proposals large or small, we specialize in creating the best ways to propose. Something you may not have considered yet is how you will hide the bulky engagement ring box on the day you propose.  We have the solution – check out America’s first patented flat engagement ring box at


Proposal Planning: The Heart Bandits

Photography: Sweet Dahlia Photography

Rentals and Flowers: Chavah Grant

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