How To Be Romantic – The Spontaneous Dance - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

How To Be Romantic – The Spontaneous Dance


I can tell you firsthand that I’m an awful dancer. When there’s any type of hip/hop, R&B, or top 40 hit on and my wife wants to dance with me, I usually get up there but I stick to my 2ft by 2ft square area and do my killer two-step. If you’re anything like me and are not a good dancer but want to create romance, then dancing with your partner is the perfect way… and the spontaneous dance is probably one of the most romantic things you can possibly do and here are some reasons why. Pay attention to these things because they explain to you how to be romantic and will make for a beautiful and memorable time.

Public Display of Love

If you ask your partner for a dance spontaneously, most likely you will be in a public setting. If you’re at a restaurant, a public square, or even a mall, these locations all are out in the open. If you dance with your partner, you will be telling the world that you love your partner and don’t mind showing it. It’s quite courageous to do something like this.

Extremely Spontaneous = Romantic

If you hear a good song come on (especially if it’s “your song”) at such a setting and you dance with your partner, the spontaneity of it is very romantic because you are living in the moment and taking advantage of it to create something memorable with your partner. It’s out of the ordinary especially if you’re in a setting that is not a dance club.

Holding Your Partner Close & Having Fun

Trust me, you do NOT even have to bust some crazy moves or have amazing dance skills to do this. All you have to do is hold your partner close and move side to side… very simple right? You can try doing other dance moves if your partner will enjoy that but it’s completely not necessary. Just the mere fact that you are taking advantage of the moment is big enough. You don’t even have to dance the hold song, all you have to do is create the dance moment and you will have taken a good step towards sweeping her off her feet.

We at The Heart Bandits are romance experts and are here to help you bring that spark into your relationship with everything you need in romance advice and romantic dates and planning. If you would like more romantic date or proposal ideas, then contact us today.

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