If you have seen the movie The Wedding Singer, then you are familiar with the sweet scene where Adam Sandler professes his love for Drew Barrymore by playing the guitar and singing to her over the PA system on an airplane. Wouldn’t that make an amazing proposal idea. Now this type of marriage proposal may not be for everybody, but for some people it’s perfect. Some people have good reasons to propose on an airplane like if it fits well with their relationship. Others may have partner’s, like my wife, that are terrified of airplanes so this would never be a good proposal idea for them. For those that it does fit, here are ways for how to propose on an airplane.
Consider 1st Class
If you have the budget for it, consider upgrading to first class for your airplane proposal. If this is completely out of the norm for your lifestyle, make sure you have a believable excuse as to why you are doing it. Perhaps say it was a free upgrade from the airline.
Get Help From Stewardesses
As with any other marriage proposal that is involved, a proposal on a plane will take lots and lots of planning. It would probably take more planning than other types because you have to know how much is allowed on the plane. For this reason you have to plan ahead and you should get help from the stewardesses. Find a way to contact them (or the airline) beforehand and find out what’s allowable. On the day-of, speak with some of them alone to let them know your plan. When you have help, you will have less chance of something going wrong.
Wait Until the Right Moment
Timing is critical for this type of wedding proposal. You don’t want to do it just as you’re taking off, landing, or when there’s any kind of turbulence. You should know how long your flight is and when there will be a section that is smooth. Just right before the middle or right after the middle is a good time to do it. You are going to want to do this on a flight that is at least a couple of hours so that there is enough time to get up and move about the cabin.
Bring The Ring
Don’t make the mistake of putting your engagement ring in the check-on luggage. You will want to make sure it is either on your person or in your carry-on bag. Consider purchasing a flat engagement ring box like www.ringstash.com in order to store your ring. Before it is show time, make sure you have the ring and it is ready to go.
Reveal All Your Feelings
To truly express your feelings, then you must be ready to share them publicly since everyone on the plane will be watching. You can do something like recite a poem over the PA to share what she means to you. Whatever you choose, you must find a way to express why you can’t wait to marry her and why you are choosing to propose on the plane.
Plan Ahead For Any Vendors
Think about any vendors that you may need for your proposal and be sure to grab them a ticket. Need ideas for what type of vendors you could potentially need for your airplane proposal idea? One of the most unexpected ways to propose on a plane (or anywhere for that matter) is through the use of a cappella singers. How much of a surprise would it be if your girlfriend all of a sudden her “your song” being sung by strangers in a plane? It would be very sweet and unexpected. Check out our a cappella marriage proposal package here. You could also borrow from Adam Sandler and have a guitarist sing her a song over the PA system. Make sure that you have photos or videos of the experience as well. Consider hiring a photographer or videographer to be a part of the proposal so that you get great shots of this very special moment.
You are going to want a game plan for celebrating when you land. It would be very anti-climatic to get off the plane and just go on to pick up your rental car. Think about having a little celebration at a bar or restaurant at the airport you land in. Or have a limo pick you up and take you somewhere romantic after.
Pulling off a marriage proposal on an airplane is very difficult without help. The Heart Bandits, Wedding Proposal Planners are experts at planning elaborate and unique marriage proposals and can help you pull off whatever proposal idea you want. Contact us today to get started on your perfect proposal ideas and engagement. We can take your relationship to new heights and ensure that you get a YES!!