How To Propose On Halloween - Non-Cheesy Ideas - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

How To Propose On Halloween – Non-Cheesy Ideas


Halloween is quickly approaching and Marvin and I don’t even have costumes yet!  AGHHHHHHHHH!  But enough about us, let’s talk about you.  You plan on proposing this Halloween but you don’t want it to be cheesy right?  Carving “will you marry me“ in to a pumpkin is not good enough for your partner?  When you think about Halloween, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably not a marriage proposal.  But with the right Halloween proposal idea, it could be really unique.  And since you found this article, you must at least be considering proposing on Halloween.  So we put together some non-cheesy proposal ideas if you are wondering how to propose on Halloween.

Flash Mob

An awesome halloween proposal idea is to enlist the help of a Flash Mob!  While you are out walking on the streets, a Flash Mob begins.  It could start off to the song Thriller and all the goons and goblins come out one by one to dance.  Then, towards the end of the routine, the song switches to a romantic song.  The dancers pull you and your partner in and you propose.  Expert tip: It would be even extra awesome if she was with a friend when the flash mob occurs and you reveal yourself as one of the dancers that was performing for her the whole time.  You propose with the perfect Halloween flash mob proposal idea.  We plan flash mobs in cities across the U.S. if you need assistance.

haunted house

Haunted House

You tell your partner that you got tickets to a haunted house.  When she walks into the house she sees that it is lit with hundreds of candles and is not scary but really romantic.  There are photos of you and her together illuminated by candlelight. You propose.  Expert tip: To pull off this idea, you can hire a Proposal Planner to help you find a haunted house or we can make one at any house!


While we don’t recommend proposing on the hayride itself, it can be something very “halloweeny” to incorporate into your marriage proposal.  She will think it is part of some tour, but the hayride instead drops you off at a really romantic location for your proposal.

Beautiful lady

Pumpkin Patch

Take your honey to a pumpkin patch.  Arrange with the pumpkin patch to allow you to come in early and hide love notes throughout an area.  When your partner walks over to this area, they will be so surprised at the amount of effort you put in ahead of time.  A final note they find asks them to marry you.  You propose as a hidden photographer captures it all.  This could be a really romantic proposal idea if you really personalize it.  Expert tip: We can handwrite the notes and place them in the patch for you if you won’t have time to visit in advance.

Stay at Home

Tell your girlfriend that you want to stay at home and hand out candy.  Decorate the house in candles.  Arrange for a group of kids to have a special knock.  When they knock at the door, you tell her to get it.  When she opens the door the kids hold up a sign that says “Will You Marry Me?”.  You propose with a true Halloween proposal.

Halloween Party Ruse

A Halloween party is the perfect lead in to a proposal.  Tell them you are taking them to a Halloween party but really take them to a venue you rented out.  When they walked in, they are totally stunned to find a proposal waiting for them instead of a halloween party.  The ultimate trick or treat!

candles on hill

The Old Switcheroo

You tell your partner you are driving to a Halloween activity.  It could be a party, a haunted house, trick or treating, anything!  Instead, you pull up to a very gorgeous area with a view where you have candles and blankets set up.  On Halloween, there wouldn’t really be anyone up there, most people will be at parties and celebrating.  Propose and then surprise her with her favorite Halloween treats.  Expert tip: We can do the proposal set up for you and help you find the perfect proposal location.

These are all proposal ideas to get your mind started.  If you need some help finalizing the proposal concepts or bringing them to life, contact The Heart Bandits to get started.  We arrange custom marriage proposals all around the globe and have been featured in the NY Times, Huffington Post, NBC, and so much more.  We know just how to propose on Halloween or any other day!

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Still looking for more advice on Halloween marriage proposal ideas?  Read our Halloween Proposal Don’ts here.

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