Guide to Proposing to Your Same Sex Partner - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

Guide to Proposing to Your Same Sex Partner

Same Sex Marriage Proposal

Pride month is upon us and we’re so very happy that marriage equality is recognized. We’ve been apart of some amazing same sex marriage proposals, and our clients often wonder how to figure out the logistics of proposing that challenge the stereotypical norms. Maybe you’re wondering who should propose to whom, who buys the ring, and if you should get down on one knee. The good news is: there are no rules to this thing called love! Below we answer some of your most frequently asked questions when it comes to same sex marriage proposals and we provide you with your very own Guide to Proposing to Your Same Sex Partner.

Who Asks Whom?

This is a popular question, but really the answer is simple: it depends on the couple. Maybe your partner has dropped hints that they want you to pop the question, or maybe your partner is very romantic and likes to be the center of attention. It really depends on your partners personality traits. Again, there are no set rules to who proposes, so it’s a good idea to have a discussion with your partner to make sure you’re on the same page.

What About Rings?

While it’s very typical to get down on one knee and give a ring, there are other options to consider as well. You might consider giving an engraved watch, or another piece of jewelry. There are no set rules or blueprints, and you can even opt to give something more personalized. The most important factor to consider is your partner’s personality and to pick something that symbolizes your love.

How Should I Propose?

When it comes time to finally start planning the proposal, think about your partner and what they would like. Would they prefer a public proposal and to be the center of attention, or maybe they would like something more private and intimate. These are all important factors to consider when you’re picking a venue and a proposal idea.

Hopefully our Guide to Proposing to Your Same Sex Partner helped you while you start planing your marriage proposal.  If you’re stressing about how to propose to your same-sex partner, contact our expert marriage proposal planners today and we’ll help you every step of the way! If you decide to propose with a ring, make sure you get a flat engagement ring box from! It’s the perfect solution to the bulky engagement ring box and helps keep your proposal a surprise!





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