How To Propose With Dogs or Kids - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

How To Propose With Dogs or Kids


As you prepare the perfect marriage proposal, you may be brainstorming creative ways to pronounce your love. And if you have pets or children in your lives, why shouldn’t they be part of your engagement festivities? But should you propose with dogs?  Should you propose with kids?  They can indeed add some extra emotion to an already special day!

The Heart Bandits have planned dozens of romantic proposals featuring dogs, cats, children, and other loved ones. To help you get started, we’ve compiled some of our tried-and-true suggestions for including dogs and kids in your proposal.

Give Them the Message

How adorable is it to attach a “Will you marry my dad?” sign around your dog’s collar? She won’t be able to resist–especially if you’re down on one knee and your dog is gazing up at her with puppy dog eyes!

If you have a baby, consider ordering a onesie screen-printed with your message. If you have older children, you can also ask them to hold signs. No matter what you choose, asking them to help you pop the question will only make it more sentimental for your entire family.

Ring Bearer

If your dog is going to have a role in your wedding and you want to start training him early, designate him as the ring bearer for your proposal! Gently attach the ring box to his collar and train him to walk it over once you’re down on one knee.

With young children, get them excited for the event by helping them get dressed up. They can deliver the ring when the moment’s right–and they’ll be excited to have such an important duty!

Let Them Lead the Way

To pull off a surprise proposal, consider leaving a trail of treats in your yard that guide your dog to you. When she gets home, she’ll find a note asking her to take the dog for a walk. As they lead the way, consider laying flower petals along the trail for a romantic touch.

Hoping to include older kids in your proposal? Ask them to drive her to your favorite restaurant where you’ll be waiting with roses and a live musician. She’ll be happy when she finds out you worked together with your teenager to surprise her!

If you want to plan a proposal she won’t forget–and you’re looking for creative ways to include your pets and children–The Heart Bandits – Wedding Proposal Planners can help! We can help you decide if you should propose with dogs or kids.  We’ll listen to your vision and help you create a memorable proposal idea and engagement your family will talk about forever.

Don’t forget to consider the type of box you’ll need for your diamond. A skinny engagement ring box from Ring Stash can help you keep it hidden and safe, especially if you have tiny hands touching it!

If you do decide to include dogs in your marriage proposal, read this article!

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