Proposal Ideas When She Knows - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

Proposal Ideas When She Knows

proposal ideas when she knows


As Wedding Proposal Planners, a lot of our clients want to plan a marriage proposal but their partner knows it is coming.  It’s not uncommon that you and your partner have discussed marriage and that she knows a proposal is coming soon.  And in some cases, the couples have even gone ring shopping together so she REALLY knows it is coming.  But that doesn’t mean that she knows HOW it is coming and that is where we come in.  Check out these proposal ideas when she knows a proposal is coming.

When She Wants To Pick The Ring

The panic of how to plan a marriage proposal typically creeps up when you find out that your girlfriend wants to pick the ring together.  How do you propose when she wants to pick the ring or how do you propose when she picked the ring?  You will first need to decide if you are actually going to go engagement ring shopping with her or not.  If your girlfriend specifically asks to go ring shopping together, how do you handle it?  Well, you could tell her that you would love to see what she has in mind but it is something really special for you to be able to do on your own.

You may want to reassure her that if for some reason she didn’t like what you picked, you could go back and get something more to her liking.  But just reiterate that you would like to be given the opportunity to handle this big moment on your own.  On the other hand, you may not want that pressure and you may welcome taking her ring shopping and letting her pick her engagement ring. If you go this route, don’t panic.  Just because she knows you are going to propose, that doesn’t mean she knows how you will.

Hide the Ring

If you do decide to get the ring together, make sure that right from the start it is not somewhere she can find it.  If it is somewhere she can find it, she may be watching to see if it is gone.  In the event you have plans on a Saturday, she might go peek to see if it is has moved and then she will know it is coming.  Consider getting a safety deposit box, ask your mom to keep it safe, or even ask if you can keep it with the jeweler until a certain date.

Focus on the Surprise

The fact that you’re proposing might not be a surprise.  However, the way you’re proposing and when you’re proposing probably is.  Try not to get hung up on the fact that she may know it is coming.  Just focus on the ways you can still surprise your partner and work on that part.  Also, we have been planning proposals for over 8 years and can tell you that one major key factor of a marriage proposal is often overlooked.  Anticipation!  There is beauty in that moment where you get butterflies in your tummy and you wonder if this is it.  Allow her to wonder, it isn’t a bad thing.

Use the Fact That She Knows It Is Coming To Your Advantage

When figuring how to propose when she knows it is coming, you can actually find ways to use this to your advantage.  Plan a lot of romantic events around the time you are proposing to really keep her on her toes.  After you take her out to a fine dining restaurant and there is no proposal, or you take her out to a Broadway show and she is not called on stage for a grand proposal, eventually she is just going to accept that she doesn’t know when it is coming and she will relax a bit.

Choose Your Date Carefully

You will definitely want to avoid on a day that she is going to be thinking it will happen.  Avoid holidays at all cost.  Don’t propose on special days like your anniversary or her birthday. Even consider a weekday if you really want to throw her off.  Choosing the right date that you will propose on will be a big factor for if you can pull off the surprise.  Read our article here about whether or not you should propose on her birthday.

Focus on Making it Unforgettable

Since your partner may already know you are proposing but they don’t know how you are proposing, this is your chance to give them an unforgettable proposal idea.  Think of how you can personalize the proposal idea and really make it unique and special.  What are some ways you can make it unforgettable?  You can add personalized elements or you can add luxurious elements.

Plan Your Proposal

Once you have that figured out how you can give your partner an unforgettable proposal, start putting the idea in to motion by planning it all out.  Consider hiring a professional proposal planner if you really want to take your proposal to the next level. We can help you make sure that even though she may know the proposal is coming, the proposal itself is a surprise and is everything she has been dreaming of.  Personalized elements include things like handwritten notes, framed pictures, and mementos from your relationship. Read here if you are proposing on a budget. Luxurious elements are material things you can add.  Examples are a string quartet, opera singer, large floral arrangements, etc.

Keep the Proposal A Secret

In the scenario where your girlfriend already knows your proposal is coming, your goal is to make sure she doesn’t know when or how.  You are going to want to make sure to not let anyone in her inner circle know that it is coming so that no one spills the beans.


If you are ready to get started on planning her dream proposal, contact us today.  We have been planning marriage proposal ideas for 8 years and we know exactly what needs to happen to pull off a successful event. Here are some reasons you might want to hire a Proposal Planner:

  • You want to minimize how many vendors you are emailing calling to keep it a surprise
  • You need someone on your team to plan everything and keep things under wraps
  • You need help creating a proposal idea that is unique and truly represents your relationship
  • You don’t have the time or the resources to plan the proposal idea you love
  • You are feeling extremely stressed out about making this perfect and would like to enlist the help of a professional to help ease that stress
  • You want the proposal planning and the day of to run smoothly
  • You don’t know how to find the vendors you need for the proposal

Don’t forget to get the perfect surprise engagement ring box to go along with your perfect surprise proposal.  These are the perfect proposal ideas when she knows it is coming.

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