Proposal of the Week: A Wedding Planner Gets Engaged - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

Proposal of the Week: A Wedding Planner Gets Engaged

Any man feels pressure when he is about to propose marriage to his girlfriend.  But imagine how it would feel if you were proposing to a Wedding Planner! A Wedding Planner has an eye for detail and experience planning the perfect events so if you are going to propose to one, you have to have all your ducks in a row!  To add to the stress, Cassandra the Wedding Planner, kind of knew it was coming.  Now her boyfriend would have to try to surprise her AND make sure all the details were perfect.  The Heart Bandits are Wedding Proposal Planners and we think he succeeded.  Here is why:
Cassandra and her fiance

Surprise Factor

The couple had talked and talked about a vacation but it didn’t seem like it would ever happen with their schedules.  In the midst of their chaotic work lives, her boyfriend just decided to say let’s do this!

He Had A Plan

There was the perfect scenario in place already because Cassandra was really wanting to see her best friend in Sweden.  They started planning their trip but little did Cassandra know, it was already planned out with her mom and her best friend.


Perfect Location

Sweden is the perfect backdrop for a proposal!  He took her on a picnic outside of a castle in Linkoping.
Need a romantic proposal idea by The Heart Bandits?  We specialize in working WITH you to come up with the most personalized and creative proposal idea.  It is hard for people to come up with out-of-the-box ideas so leave it to a Proposal Expert.  Contact us today for your free consultation.

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