Los Angeles Beach Proposal

Most Romantic Los Angeles Beach Proposal


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this beautiful Santa Monica beach proposal we planned with Scott.  Scott contacted us because he and Megan were going to be visiting Los Angeles for an Adele concert – great taste in music I must say.  Since they were from out of town, he wanted to propose in a way that would be easy for him to get her there and seem like a natural part of the day.  We suggested a walk on the beach at sunset because let’s face it, who doesn’t want to do that when they come visit LA?

Scott told us his favorite memories with Megan are all of their little trips they have taken together.  So Scott and I worked for weeks on creating a Memory Book that would highlight those special memories together.  We brought in a beautiful table and decorated it with contemporary arrangements featuring clusters of bright flowers – her favorite.  We also added a custom “Megan” sign made up of complimentary beautiful flowers so she would know it was for her when she saw it.



proposal diary

proposal location


When Megan saw the setup, she was so happy and filled with emotions.  She looked over the book Scott made her and then looked over to find him on his knee.  He proposed and she happily said yes!





We are so honored that Scott chose us to help him plan his unique proposal idea.   If you are wondering if hiring a Proposal Planner is right for you, the top 3 reasons someone hires a planner is because 1) They are visiting from out of town and don’t have the resources to plan something in that city, 2) They are busy and don’t have the time it takes to plan a proposal perfectly, and 3) They need a little help with creative ideas and execution.  If you fall into one of these categories, The Heart Bandits are here to help.  Contact us today.

Don’t forget to purchase a flat engagement ring box like Scott did at www.ringstash.com.  You don’t want your girlfriend spotting a bulky ring box in your jeans and wondering if you are proposing before you are ready!

Check out our Proposal Gallery below for more proposal inspo:

Proposal Portfolio


Couples on beach

Los Angeles Proposal Planner The Heart Bandits

Photography: Joanne Leung Photography

Flowers: Rise to the Occasions

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