Should You Propose on Their Birthday? - The Heart Bandits - The World's Best Marriage Proposal Planners

Should You Propose on Their Birthday?


The age-old question of how to propose to your girlfriend will never fade. There are so many ways to carry out a dreamy proposal idea, one of them being popping the question on their birthday. Should you do it? Some say yes, some say no, but here’s what wedding proposal planners, The Heart Bandits, have to say about proposing on their birthday.

Easy to Include Family/Friends

If you plan a proposal birthday party, it’ll be an effortless opportunity to incorporate family and friends into your moment. They’ll already be there, and it won’t seem fishy at all. 

Easy Delivery

Planning a birthday proposal means it’ll be a little easier to pop the question– because you’re already celebrating her! You can make her birthday present the ring, have the cake include a giant engagement ring on top, or even have a little intimate birthday proposal moment with just the two of you.

Celebrate Both on the Same Day

For some, this could just be killing two birds with one stone. But, others might prefer to celebrate these two momentous occasions separately. It’s all up to your significant and what they would prefer.

So should you propose for their birthday?  At the end of the day, a birthday proposal is great, as long as your proposee will love it. Think about their personality. Would they want family there? Would they be okay celebrating their birthday and engagement on the same day? If yes, then go for it! 


To make the most out of your birthday proposal ideas, contact a professional proposal planner! We can help you come up with an elaborate engagement, so your significant has an absolutely stunning birthday surprise.  Here are some reasons you might want to hire a Proposal Planner:

  • You want to minimize how many vendors you are emailing calling to keep it a surprise
  • You need someone on your team to plan everything and keep things under wraps
  • You need help creating a proposal idea that is unique and truly represents your relationship
  • You don’t have the time or the resources to plan the proposal idea you love
  • You are feeling extremely stressed out about making this perfect and would like to enlist the help of a professional to help ease that stress
  • You want the proposal planning and the day of to run smoothly
  • You don’t know how to find the vendors you need for the proposal

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Don’t forget to purchase a flat ring box from!  Looking for more proposal ideas? Check out our How to Propose On Her Birthday article.

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