Should I Re-Propose to My Partner - The Heart Bandits

Should I Re-Propose To My Partner?

Are you wondering, “Should I Re-Propose To My Partner?”  You could either be already engaged or married – yet you can’t help but notice that your partner seems less than content with the way you proposed.  Perhaps your proposal idea was spur of the moment, or didn’t go as planned, and now, when people ask how the proposal went down, instead of telling everyone a magical and romantic story, the topic is avoided.  If your partner shows some of these signs, it may be time to re-propose to your partner!

Your Partner Avoids Telling People How You Proposed

Whether from embarrassment or simply because there isn’t much to tell –  there is a social expectation that a romantic proposal is part of everyone’s story, and your partner may have a hard time with friends, family, and even strangers asking how you popped the question.  If you notice that your partner avoids telling people how you propose, it is time to give your partner a great story!

There Was Never An Actual Proposal

Perhaps you didn’t get the chance, because you were young, or didn’t have the finances at the time, or perhaps a conversation turned to the topic of marriage and you both talked about how you were ready and should go for it.  Either way, if there wasn’t a proposal, it may be a good idea to plan one.  Even if your partner told you they didn’t expect a proposal or expressed that they thought proposals were cheesy, it may be because they didn’t want to put pressure on you or be disappointed – yet a proposal is an important tradition, and proposals can be wonderfully unique and classy if planned properly.  Even if you’re already married, a proposal can be a beautiful way to show your continuing commitment and love.

Your Partner Talks About Other Couple’s Proposal Stories

If you keep hearing about cool proposal stories from your partner, it may be a big fat hint that you should think about upping the ante and planning to re-propose.  There are so many options – it doesn’t have to be hard if you have help!  Check out some of these all-inclusive proposal packages for some great ideas!

Proposals Are Everywhere On Your Partner’s Social Media

Your partner has a board dedicated to unique proposals on Pinterest, or maybe they have a YouTube play list that is a collection of the world’s most romantic proposals.  Perhaps they share proposal stories on Facebook and Instagram regularly.  If you keep seeing proposal-related content on your partner’s social media, it may be something that is on their mind.  Give them something to share online by re-proposing – this time, with help from the proposal experts at The Heart Bandits.  


If you have made it this far into the article, you may be convinced that you should propose to your partner.  But how?  We have planned many re-proposals so we can definitely help.  When planning your re-proposal idea, here are some ideas to get you started:

Re-create Your Wedding

If you are married, it is likely that your wedding day was one of the best days of your partner’s life.  For your re-proposal idea, you could create a mini version of your wedding day, sans the guests.  Decorate a location in your wedding colors.  Print out your vows and frame them as a focal point for the decorations.  Consider hiring a violinist or singing guitarist to serenade her with your wedding song.  Add some candles and voila…..instant amazing re-proposal.

Give Her The Dream Proposal

Maybe you are not yet married but your first proposal was a flop.  Don’t let it happen again and this time, take all of the steps necessary to create her dream proposal.  Hire The Heart Bandits, marriage proposal planners, to work with you to come up with a unique and personalized proposal idea that will surely blow her away.  We can also work with you to bring that idea that you love to life with our connections and our expertise.  If you decide to go at it alone, brainstorm the most amazing pr

Memory Lane

If you have been together for a long time, chances are you have created a lot of amazing memories together.  A great re-proposal idea can be to create a Memory Lane.  That is exactly what we did for Dennis when we helped him re-propose to his wife with this sweet re-proposal.  You can create a memory lane using words and signs, pictures, or a combination of both.

Document It

Don’t botch your proposal again!  Capturing the moment you propose or re-propose is very important nowadays.  Everyone wants to share on social media and some photographers will give you a sneak preview that night.  Also, you can share the proposal photos with your children and grandchildren when they asked about your proposal day.

Prepare A Speech

With a first time proposal, we never recommend a proposal speech.  We always suggest that our clients just speak from their heart and besides, they are always too nervous to memorize a speech.  But for a re-proposal, it is important to say why you are re-proposing.  Some ideas of what to say are why you feel it is so important to give them another proposal, why you choose them again, etc.

Consider Another Ring

If you are wondering, “Should I Re-Propose To My Partner?”  you are probably also wondering if you need another ring.  If it is a re-proposal shortly after the first proposal, you probably just need a symbolic one.  But if you are re-proposing after being married for some time, we recommend getting another ring as a symbol of your commitment.  Put a modern twist on a classic proposal and use a slim-profile ring box from Ring Stash.

If you want to get started planning your re-proposal, contact the Proposal Planners at The Heart Bandits today.  We have over 13 years of experience ONLY planning proposals and re-proposals.  We know just how to make sure your proposal is a success. Contact us today and we can get started making you look like Prince Charming!


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