One thing that we recommend is that when you’re thinking about how to propose marriage, you should always have a ring. There are however a few rare circumstances where proposing without a ring may work though. Cost should not be a reason why you wouldn’t have one. We know that engagement rings are expensive, but if you’re truly committed to your partner, then you can find a way to save money for a ring for your idea for your proposal. Assuming that the price isn’t an issue, here are some reasons to propose without a ring:
When On Vacation Travel
When you are traveling on vacation with your significant other and are going to propose, I know what one of the biggest thing you’re going to be worried about is; how to carry the engagement ring with you? Putting the ring in your checked bag is not a very good idea because you should not risk that investment being lost or damaged. Putting the ring on your person is also not a good idea because going through security checks will have you pull the ring out and your partner may see it. The better approach is having it in your carry-on, but this still carries some risk in case security asks you to open your bag. If you have the ring already and don’t want to risk it, you can propose on vacation without one but it’s definitely a good idea to have a place-holder when you actually propose. A place holder could be a less expensive band that symbolizes your commitment.
When You Will Be Taking Your Partner To Select Their Ring
In some cases, the person proposing doesn’t want to risk selecting a ring that their partner won’t like. If this is your case, one option you may have is investing in the diamond itself and then taking her to select the setting that she loves. Similar to the previous case, you can propose with a place-holder until the real ring is actually ready. If you’re not sure if you’re partner will like the cut of the diamond you selected, you can also use a place-holder for this as well.
Your Partner Doesn’t Like or Wear Rings
First of all, are you sure? Second of all, are you completely sure? If you are absolutely certain that your partner doesn’t wear rings or wouldn’t want an engagement ring then you can get them something else. When you propose you would want to use an item or a gesture that is symbolic of your relationship to pose your proposal question.
Proposing without a ring is not recommended but there are a few rare cases where it would be acceptable. This article has hopefully helped you understand some reasons to propose without a ring. If you’re still not sure about how to propose or if you’re having trouble coming up with a perfect proposal idea, contact The Heart Bandits – Wedding Proposal Planners to help. We are marriage proposal experts that will help you with proposal ideas, planning, and execution. Contact us today to receive all the proposal help you would ever need.
Now that you have some reasons that you might need wedding proposal ideas without a ring, read our article about how to propose without a ring here.